Time: 2021/07/24 04:29:32
Latitude: 54-59.85N
Longitude: 154-53.72W
Speed: 4.4
Course: 60T
Wind_Speed: 17
Wind_Dir: NNW
Barometer: 1011
Clouds: 80%
Air_Temp: 14C
Wave_Ht: 1.5M
Wave_Dir: NW
Comment: Currently struggling to head N in NW winds. Waiting for winds and seas to decrease to then point N and motorsail to Kodiak. Perhaps a Monday arrival is possible but really not making any commitments yet based on the variable winds and uncomfortable seas we have been experiencing.
So I am determined to stay positive for this update. I am sure everyone is tired of the pity party emails from me. All is well with the crew on board. I wanted to share what our amazing Captain has been doing for the last week. In an attempt to warm up the salon for when the girls wake up and eventually me, D has been baking something every morning whether it is a loaf of bread, coffee cake, baked oatmeal, waffles or this morning was a freshly baked pie and yes, he makes his own crust. I mean how amazing is this guy!!! The ladies on Maple are very, very spoiled indeed. I think in a way we might be disappointed when we arrive for I don't anticipate this routine continuing, after all we are trying to be optimistic it won't feel quite so cold on board once we are near land again.
The reality is the four of us are more than ready to get there. Our poor extrovert Iris is starting to not be happy to be limited to seeing the same three faces every day. As for Ella, since recently finishing her shawl, she has already knitted a cowl for D and ear warmers for me. The girl is going to run out of wool eventually here and the four of us are going to be covered from head to toe in various knitted accessories. With just 200+ miles to go, we feel we can finally cautiously start a bit of a countdown to our arrival, which is pretty darn exciting for all of us. And I am sure equally exciting for all of you to finally be able to stop reading me whine about this passage.
PS: Yes, Mark and Shaun, we will attempt to re-create the inflated life jacket on D so we can get a picture for your viewing pleasure.
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