Wednesday 13 May 2015

Making a difference...

Voyage of the Labyrinth: PILOT EPISODE from Jase Kovacs on Vimeo.

Jase Kovacs cashed in his life savings to buy a cruising trimaran.  He's been sailing in Southeast Asia for a little while with his crew Jolene, Roxy and James.  Along the way they've seen the impact of human activity on the ocean.

Now the crew of Labrynth are looking to turn their talents towards helping secure a future for the fragile eco-systems of the region they're sailing in.  They team up with local groups in an effort to bring awareness to the efforts being made.  They've also got a kickstarter campaign going to fund their efforts at conservation.

I've never met these folks, but appreciate what they're doing to make the world a better place for my kids and hopefully their kids.  It has also made me reflect a little on what we could do in our travels to leave the places we go to a little better than we found them.

We're actively exploring ideas that will help make a difference, teach our kids a little about giving and be practical given our planned lifestyle.  As we land on things we'll be sure to share them - and while we work our way through these explorations, we'd welcome your feedback - any ideas on how a sailing family could make a difference in the lives of those they touch?

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